GW3KLB Pentre Farm2,Llansilin

52° 50.92' N | 003° 11.87' W | 250 meter | Show on map

Weekly Weather Summary

04/28/24 00:15:00

Software:weewx v3.6.0
Weewx uptime:52 Days, 14 Hours, 59 Minutes
Server uptime:52 Days, 15 Hours, 0 Minutes

This Week

High Temperature6.3°C00:01:33 (Sunday)
Low Temperature6.0°C00:07:33 (Sunday)
High Heat Index6.2°C00:02:30 (Sunday)
Low Wind Chill6.0°C00:15:00 (Sunday)
High Dewpoint2.3°C00:02:30 (Sunday)
Low Dewpoint2.1°C00:07:33 (Sunday)
High Humidity76%00:02:30 (Sunday)
Low Humidity76%00:02:30 (Sunday)
High Barometer925 mbar00:11:34 (Sunday)
Low Barometer924 mbar00:01:33 (Sunday)
Rain Total0.0 mm
High Rain Rate0.0 mm/h00:00:16 (Sunday)
High Wind Speed9 mph 180°00:12:52 (Sunday)
Average Wind4 mph
RMS Wind4 mph
Vector Average Speed4 mph
Vector Average Direction85°
High Inside Temperature8.1°C00:00:38 (Sunday)
Low Inside Temperature8.1°C00:00:38 (Sunday)
High Pond Temp8.0°C00:02:55 (Sunday)
Low Pond Temp4.1°C00:05:00 (Sunday)

This Month

High Temperature17.1°C04/12/24 14:36:40
Low Temperature1.1°C04/18/24 05:59:45
High Heat Index17.1°C04/12/24 14:36:40
Low Wind Chill1.1°C04/18/24 05:59:45
High Dewpoint14.3°C04/11/24 17:08:31
Low Dewpoint-2.9°C04/24/24 23:46:07
High Humidity98%04/03/24 02:51:33
Low Humidity46%04/24/24 16:23:29
High Barometer1012 mbar04/02/24 11:23:42
Low Barometer857 mbar04/03/24 20:10:39
Rain Total106.4 mm
High Rain Rate39.1 mm/h04/07/24 06:01:24
High Wind Speed39 mph 68°04/06/24 14:26:23
Average Wind6 mph
RMS Wind8 mph
Vector Average Speed3 mph
Vector Average Direction294°
High Inside Temperature17.7°C04/24/24 15:12:33
Low Inside Temperature4.4°C04/18/24 06:24:50
High Pond Temp14.3°C04/23/24 16:52:32
Low Pond Temp4.1°C04/01/24 00:05:00

Weekly Statistics and Plots

temperatures heatchill rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector Pond Temperatures GSHP Supply and Return Temperatures UFH Supply and Return Temperatures Outside Temp in Shade